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Category: Blog

Dec 10
A pet for Christmas? Definitely NOT a good idea.

Колкото и привлекателно да изглежда идеята да подарите кученце, котенце или зайче под елхата, нека спрем за момент и помислим.Те не са играчки, които могат да бъдат върнати, ако не отговорят на очакванията.

Nov 26
Heidi: volunteering at Lucky Hunt

The youngest volunteer at Lucky Hunt this summer was only 18 years old. What are the impressions of Heidi from Düsseldorf about her stay in Bulgaria and about the work for the benefit of the rescued animals, you will find out in the following lines.

Nov 16
Детски картички с мисия! Направете ги част от вашата Коледа!

Сега е ваш ред да подкрепите животните! Поръчайте картичка, изработена от българско дете, и дарете 10 лв. за спасените животни от приют Лъки Хънт, за които се грижим с много любов и отдаденост.

Sep 25
Give Hope for Christmas: Create handmade Christmas cards in support of animals

We invite all children to join our charity initiative for the animals from the Lucky Hunt shelter. It's easy - draw Christmas cards, send them to us, and we'll offer them at a charity Christmas bazaar. The funds raised will help the dogs at the shelter.

Aug 10
Interview with Janina from Germany about her experience as a volunteer

Another volunteer at Lucky Hunt this summer - Janina Radtke, a 28 years old nurse from Germany, who spent two intense weeks with us. Read her first-hand impressions.

Jul 14
Volunteering at the Shelter: Anastasia from Germany

What is it like to come from Germany to be a volunteer at a Bulgarian dog shelter? Anastasia Drogge from Potsdam, Germany will share with us her four weeks experience at Lucky Hunt Project.

Jul 02
Купиране (рязане) на уши и опашки при кучетата – болезнено и нехуманно!

Премахването на опашки и рязането на ушите на кучетата е болезнена и ненужна процедура. Освен че ушите са сетивен орган, а опашката служи за баланс, те са и важни органи за комуникация чрез езика на тялото, с които кучето общува и изпраща сигнали към хората и другите животни.

Jun 06
How To Help Lucky Hunt Without Giving Money? Be a hero to the animals!

Donating is not just about giving money to a cause. It is an attitude: sometimes it is spontaneous, sometimes it is considered, and sometimes it is a way of life and an inner necessity. Learn how to support us without giving any money.

May 07
Birthday party or garden event at the farm - summer 2024

The farm in Krumovo - a beautiful and spacious place with an open party area and indoor dining hall, places for relaxation and play, contact with various rescued animals, fresh air and unique atmosphere.

Feb 21
Attitudes of Europeans Towards Animal Welfare and What About the Bulgarians

In 2023, Eurobarometer conducted a special survey on the attitudes of Europeans on animal welfare issues. According to the answer to one of the questions, however, Bulgaria differs significantly from all other member states.